At a glance
The World Forum for Ethics and Values in Journalism

Networking worldwide

Expose to cultures and lifestyles
Reflect and evaluate on the profession and reality
Greater professionalism
Guarantee ethics and values
Inspire and animate media professionals for achieving their goals
Integral development of individuals as persons
Serve the humanity at large
Continued formation on city, regional, continental and world levels
Make known positions on events, policies and its consequences worldwide
Enable development of free and independent media
National, regional, continental, international, governmental, non-gvernmental organisations and institutions
World organisations, institutions and associations
Persons and entities that enable development of free and independent media
Spirit, Character

Professional, autonomous, international, worldwide

Journalistic, likes to promote and defend freedoms
Diverse, creative, dynamic, young, senior, optimist, serious-minded
Differences are respected and accepted in the true spirit of freedom
Consider signs of time
Speaks the language of the time
Respect persons and their working and living conditions
Oriented to service
Accessible to all media professionals from all parts of the world
Recognise exemplary efforts of media professionals as the basis for integral development

Ongoing networking

Refreshers, Exposures
International Journalism and  Media Awards
International Network of Young Journalists
Internships, Information Exchange
Networking Worldwide with individuals and institutions
Triennial world congress
Documents for reflection on relevant themes
Representation in and co-operation with United Nations and other international organsations
Federations: Dailies, Periodicals, Journalists, Specialized Media, News agencies, Professors, Researchers, Book publishers, Press photographers
Regions: Africa, Europe, Latin America, East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia, North America, Middle East
All media professionals: Journalists, Publishers, Professors of journalism or communication, Photojournalists, Book publishers
All publications (dailies, weeklies, fortnightlies, monthlies, quarterlies, books)
Publishing houses, Media institutes/ions, enterprises
Associations of professionals, publications, publishing houses, institutions , professors of journalism or communication, enterprises